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New Mexico Vacation

Over UEA weekend, we decided to take a road trip to New Mexico to see Uncle Dan and Aunt Nicole and their new home. Mom, Dad, Jacob, and us Badgers (minus Andy as he was hiking and biking with the scouts in Moab that weekend) loaded up and hit the road for 11 hours. I didn't take any pictures of the time on the know...angry eyes and all. Actually, the ride went better than I had expected. The kids traveled well thanks to portable DVD players and plenty of snack food. I must say that it was comical to be driving for hours looking at nothing but sagebrush, dirt, and small rural shacks and all of a sudden we pass a HUGE casino and hotel combo. Indian Reservations....
Once we got to New Mexico, we were shown all that New Mexico had to offer by our own personal tour guide Uncle Dan.
We experienced the zoo, the children's scientific discovery museum, the famous El Pinto mexican restaurant, and we ordered shakes in a diner on old Route 66. It was hard to leave but we look forward to taking the trip again. Maybe we'll even invite Andy to come along with us..:)

Cyrus showing us the sand and dirt on his hands from playing in the water erosion display. I think Jake had more fun in this one than any of us.

Jake, Emily, and Cyrus working on putting together a larger version of the game mouse trap. It really was fun to see how putting one item into action would result in other reactions.

Kelsey and Aunt Nicole discovering magic balls. These wiffle balls would float on the many streams of compressed air shooting through this table.

Kelsey playing pick-a-boo. She loved this discover museum.

Quick stop on the way there for a photo shoot at the Monticello Temple. This temple seemed even smaller than the church house that sat next to it. The parking lot was still full, even on a Thursday afternoon.

Cy just hitchin a ride at the zoo...

Cy on the train

Em and Cy checking out the monkeys.

What are they saying to each other?

Kelsey and the flamingos.

You just can't beat a good zoo train ride.

Waiting for the feeding of the Polar Bears. We were told that 2:30 was the magic time the polar bears would be fed. After waiting until 3:00, we decided that we had better go before those polar bears decided they couldn't wait any longer and grab one of us. I wonder who he would choose?

Sorry for the abundance of pictures on this post. We just had a wonderful time and would like to thank Grandpa for driving, (and not pulling over to leave any of us on the roadside)Jake for refereeing the twit contest that occured in the back seat a couple of times. A big thank you to Mom for protecting me from the mountain lions on our morning hikes, and helping to entertain the kids during the drive so that I could concentrate on finishing my book. And of course a big BIG thank you to Dan and Nicole for letting us invade your beautiful home, fight over your Wii, eat all of your food, and showing us a great time.


Connie said…
I second everything you said. Great pictures.
KC said…
What about pictures of this lovely new home dan and nicole had just purchased? Glad you had fun. I braved a 12 hour drive with Brooklyn when she was 18 months old and am thinking about another 12 hour drive with the kids...a bit nervous. I'm glad to know that other people out there do it..maybe I'll survive!
Julie said…
Fun Pictures! You crack me up Candice! I love reading your blog!!! You guys always seem to have so much fun and quite the adventures! You are brave to travel with kids...I STILL don't dare drive more than 2 hours with Cameron :) Hopefully that will get better!
Is this Candice? Langston? Roy High Graduate? If yes...visit me @
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